PHP ile FTP Sunucusundan eski dosyaları otomatik sildirmek
Bunun için aşağıdaki scripti kullanabilirsiniz ;
<?php $host = ""; //Replace with your host $username = "myUsername"; //Replace with your username $password = "myPassword"; //Replace with your password $mode = "passive"; //Leave blank to go to active mode $dir = "/"; //Put the name of the directory in here where you want to loop through files, put / for root directory $daysOld = '2'; //Enter the age of files in days, if a file should be deleted that's older than 2 days enter 2 $filesToSkip = array('.','..','.ftpquota'); //Contains the files that the script needs to skip if it comes accross them $notificationEmail = ''; //The email address to send a notification when file fails to delete //FTP session starting $connection = ftp_connect($host); $login = ftp_login($connection,$username,$password); if(!$connection || !$login){ die('Connection attempt failed!'); } if($mode == 'passive'){ //Switching to passive mode ftp_pasv($connection,TRUE); }else{ ftp_pasv($connection,FALSE); } //Calcuting the datetime of todays day minus the amount of 2days entered $dateToCompare = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-'.$daysOld.' days',time())); //Looping through the contents of the provided directory $files = ftp_nlist($connection,$dir); //ftp_rawlist — Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory foreach($files as $file){ //Check if the file is in the list of files to skip, if it is we continue the loop if(in_array($file, $filesToSkip)){ continue; } $modTime = ftp_mdtm($connection, $file); if(strtotime($dateToCompare) >= $modTime){ if(!ftp_delete($connection,$file)){ //Deleting the file that needs to be deleted //If the file fails to delete we send a mail to the administrator mail($notificationEmail, 'FAILED TO DELETE FILE', 'FAILED TO DELETE FILE: '.$file); } } } ?>